Kusatsugawaatochi Park

The design slogan of Kusatsugawaatochi Park is to inherit the beloved cherry trees on the river embankment and the unusual form of the ceiling river and to become a new destination in Kusatsu as a city public place where local residents can easily gather.

The Kusatsu River site, with a total length of about 7 km from Lake Biwa to the Tokaido Shinkansen railroad, was divided into five sections by its unique characteristics such as old trails from the Edo era and different industrial aspects of each adjacent neighborhood.
From the schematic design phase to the start of use, various stakeholders such as the municipality, communities, schools, and local businesses participated in the design process, taking into account community involvement in post-construction park management. At the same time, community volunteer groups were founded during the design process so that the park could be fully utilized from the beginning.

A management and operation committee was established in collaboration with specialized subcommittees for community activities, private sector commerce, and landscape management. Promoting a wide range of activities in the park and interaction among residents, it is aimed that a park is to be loved and continuously used by the communities.

The rent from lending the conference rooms and the park spaces can be spent to support park events that bring out the attractiveness and talent of the city. The Kusatsugawaatochi Park has been in use for four years, forming a bustling place that is loved by local communities and representing the City of Kusatsu to display the history and civic pride of the city residents.